The Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls in Hewlett, New York, has requested a way for their students to send messages of condolences and support to the Fogel’s family and friends.
Student, teachers and staff, just click here and scroll down the page to leave your comment.
The Fogles and Itamar will be so blessed by this outpouring of love from young Israel! Am Israel Chai!
* Please be aware that there will be a delay in seeing your post on the Condolence Book. All comments are moderated before posting. We will get your comment posted as soon as possible.
** Your donation to the "Friends of Itamar" non-profit would also be a very timely help at such a horrible time for them. Click on
"Ways To Bless Itamar" to donate.
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NOTE: If you have trouble trying to post your comment, please try again to comment and when asked to "Select Profile" choose "Anonymous". If you are still having problems, email me a elizabeth@blessitamar.com and I will do everything in my power to post your message for you. Thank you for your persistance - and know that G-d sees your heart.